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Kai Ming Head Start

Head Start

The Head Start program is designed to support school readiness for children prior to their entrance to Kindergarten, by providing an array of services in a center-based setting.

If your child is 3 or 4 years old by December 3rd of the current enrollment year, you may qualify for Head Start services.

Early Head Start

The Early Head Start program is designed to create partnerships between staff and parents to provide a solid foundation of social, emotional, physical and cognitive development for children in their care.

If your child is 0-36 months (has not turned 3 years of age by December 3rd of the current enrollment year), you may qualify for Early Head Start services.

Raising A Reader

The first five years of a child’s life are the most important for developing a passion for books and learning. Sharing and reading books with children from infancy to age five prepares them for kindergarten and establishes a foundation for lifelong learning.


Child Care Partnerships

Child Start has developed a Child Care Partnership (CCP) program designed to strengthen the quality and impact of licensed child care centers and family child care homes throughout Napa and Solano Counties. Utilizing the Early Head Start model, Child Start works with partners to increase their capacity to provide infant and toddler care in high-quality environments; strengthen support of working parents by increasing access to a broad range of integrated services; and enhance coordination of service delivery among agencies and organizations serving children and families. The partnership ensures that comprehensive services for children and families are provided based on their individual needs.

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