Parents Make It Happen
Welcome Parents, Family Members and all those who love and care for the children in our communities and those we serve through the programs of Child Start!
At Child Start, we believe that the parent is the first and most important teacher in a child’s life and that anything we do to promote change in a child’s life must be done within the context of that child’s family and culture.

We look forward to working with you, in a true partnership, to provide opportunity for growth and development for your child as they explore the world around them, stretch towards their potential, and reach for the possibilities of their best selves.

Advocacy is extremely important to the success of Head Start. As Head Start is funded primarily by public sources, securing adequate funding for our grantee members’ academic, social, health and family services is one of our primary advocacy objectives. To accomplish this, we educate human services decision-makers about the wide range of services Head Start programs provide, about the succeesses of both the children and the families, about the research that proves its effectiveness…and about the savings it ultimately delivers to society.
For Child Start Inc., one of our primary objective, is to establish and maintain positive, ongoing contact with the legislative and executive branches of government, at the federal and state levels. And, it means keeping abreast of issues, trends and legislation that have the potential to affect Head Start, and letting legislators know and understand our point of view about such issues.
How Can I Help?
Individuals involved in the Head Start program, and others with a special interest in the program are in a perfect position to be heard by policy makers. Their personal experiences and successes with the programs reinforce the impact that Head Start has on the lives of the families in their jurisdiction. Legislators often make important decisions based on only a few contacts from their constituents. When they know voters “back home” care about an issue, they pay attention. Let them know what you think.
And, be sure to register to vote. It’s easy! The only requirements are that you are a U.S. citizen, resident of California and are at least 18 years old. You can register at your county’s election office, or click here or here for a step by step guide to becoming a registered voter. You can also call 1-800-262-VOTE for more information.
Once you’ve registered, it’s important to vote in local, state and national elections. Be informed about the issues and the candidates, and be part of the process. You will make a difference!